Student Activities and Programs

If anyone is interested in serving as an assistant coach or is a registered official for Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, or Track and Field, please speak to Mrs. Ashley Bumhoffer (Athletic Director) - or contact the school office.
Your student-athlete needs to have a sports physical turned into the school office by the first practice of the sport season. If a current physical is not on file, your child will not be able to participate.
All students participating in sports must maintain a "C" average and cannot be failing any subject. In the event they are not able to maintain this average, or are failing a subject, they will be ineligible for one week( including practices and games) and will be re-evaluated at the end of the one week period. All assignments are also to be turned in complete and on time. If a student has three or more missing assignments at any one time, they cannot participate in practices or games until the late work it completed and turned in. A teacher may hold students responsible for their inappropriate conduct by declaring them ineligible for a one week period.
All athletes participating in sports at CTKL need to have a current, annual sports physical on file prior to participation in any athletic activity, INCLUDING PRACTICES. (yearly -dated after April 15th). Physical forms are available at the school office OR can be downloaded and printed from the link. CTK offers an opportunity to have a physical done at the Sebewaing campus in the spring.
Handbooks and Forms: