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Christ the King School Fast Facts

Check out our #CTKDifference! Download the fact sheet here.


Download our fact sheet HERE

Spiritual Growth

  •  Students participate in weekly Chapel services led by area pastors, daily devotions, daily prayers, and daily religious instruction. 

  • Students in grades 7-8 receive Confirmation instruction taught by the pastors of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Sebewaing, and St. Paul Lutheran Church, Unionville. 

Parent Testimonials

Candy Cotton

Our school is not just about academics, but all about Jesus. Children are growing spiritually.  Teachers share the Gospel daily, all day.  The children can pray openly about anything like sick family members.  Then there is the celebration of Lutheran Schools Week which is a week to do crazy things with your fellow classmates.

~ Bonnie Schamber


Our family loves the Christian Education and the awesome academic program.          The teacher’s, and staff all so loving and caring!! It has made such a difference to our children.

~Ashley Bumhoffer

When deciding if CTK was the best fit for our family, I was reminded that children are sponges; they absorb everything they see, and everything they hear.  At CTK children hear the word of God daily.  They see their teachers and classmate pray daily.  They build friendships with classmates based not only on common interest but more importantly on their common Love for Christ.

~Jamie Schuette

 Our daughters love the family atmosphere at CTK and as parents we appreciate the Christian instruction.  There is real bond with their classmates as many of them have been together since preschool or Kindergarten.  Weekly chapel services, special servant projects, caring teachers, and numerous special events make Christ the King a great place to send our daughters.

~ Lori Kemp

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